Why I love Goodwill

My job responsibilities have increased significantly at the office. It wasn’t until after I had donated the majority of my sophistacted officewear to GoodWill that I realized that I might actually need to have some nicer clothes. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret donating 3 trashbags and a giant moving box full of clothes I never wear to GoodWill, I just might have hung on to one or two of them had I known that I would get the chance to wear them.

So this weekend I trekked back to GoodWill once more. On my list of things to buy:
-Short Dress

The boots were more of a luxury. I have wanted a decent pair of boots since I gave my last pair away, right before I moved to Thailand.

GoodWill is a fabulous store. One of my favorite things to do is go with friends and play the “Dare you to try this one on” game. We’ve tried on wedding dresses, mumus, prom dresses, parachute pants, and more hats and shoes than Paris Hilton owns. Free fun and one of the reasons why I love Goodwill.

But back to my shopping list. To maximize the frugalness of GW you have to check the discount color of the week. Each item, in theory, has a colored plastic tag punched into it near the brand tag. The colors correspond to the 50% off sales price and changes weekly. This week, it was blue.

I was able to secure 3 button ups, a black jacket, a blue jacket, a pair of brown slacks, a black and white floral print dress, a maroon business dress, a pair of flats ($3.50, couldn’t pass them up! Though they weren’t on the list), and a glorious pair of black calf-high soft boots.

As a special treat I thought I’d splurge and buy myself something extra nice… two .50¢ paperbacks.

I swear by Goodwill and you should too. I was able to get a few very core pieces for my wardrobe at great prices. The boots were the most expensive, at $12.00, but everything else was under $4.00.

Total spent $35.00! Well there was some change tacked on there too, but really it was very much worth it and I enjoyed having the opportunity to spend time with my friends and have a good time without having to worry about movie prices, tipping waiters, covers at the bar, or baby mama drama. Just good, clean, old-fashioned fun.

Christmas is coming up too, I must admit I’ve been peaking a lot on the ShopGoodwill.com website to get some ideas for gifts this year again.

And those are the reasons why I love GoodWill.


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